Meet Eero Link, Insly's Claims Product Manager

Meet Eero Link, Insly’s Claims Product Manager

This time, we bring you a discussion with Eero Link, our Claims Product Manager. Eero joined Insly about half a year ago with a mission to start building the best possible claims management software. That tool will help Insurers, MGAs, TPAs, and Brokers with efficient claims handling and seamlessly integrating this functionality into their insurance processes. Read on to find out how Eero describes his journey at Insly.

What has your journey been like at Insly?

I’m actually pretty new in the team, I joined this April. That was the peak of the second wave of the pandemic in Estonia. The office was almost empty and my first days were quite peaceful. Despite the complexity of the situation, Insly’s staff was so supportive and made my start very smooth.

My task list escalated quickly as the plans materialised. My mission here is to build the best claims handling and management product that will complement our insurance software and provide customers with a variety of functions to streamline their claims handling processes.

You work at Insly as Claims Product Manager. As simple as possible: what do you do and how does that help customers?

Insly has a nice set of products meant for Insurers, MGAs, and Brokers. But one product, which I consider the most important, was missing. That is claims handling software. My job is to give input what the claims handling tool should enable and how it should be designed.

When the product is ready, my job will be to find companies whom it can help, as well as maintain and develop the product to meet the increasing needs and changing market conditions. To achieve this, I work in close collaboration with Insly’s developers, sales and marketing teams. All in all, combined with the rest of our product suite, the claims management software will enable customers to accelerate claims handling, integrate it more firmly into other processes, and offer better services to their customers.

What makes Insly different from other insurtechs?  

I have lots of experience with insurance companies, so it’s easier to make this comparison. The difference between Insly and them is huge. Namely, in two areas:

  • the speed of processes. Brainstorming, analysing, and building things goes fast. This is incomparable with old-school insurance companies;
  • the start-up mentality. The way questions are asked, what questions are asked, how ideas and solutions are validated, and the overall pace of work. This applies to every area of business from development to human resources.

What I like about Insly is that there are no wrong questions nor answers. You do what is needed to get to the point. The faster you do that and understand the essence of an issue, the faster you can start solving it. 

Describe Insly in three words. 

  • Transparent – decision-making and management are very transparent starting from monthly business overviews to board meetings and decisions. The lack of bureaucracy and getting straight to the point makes an enormous difference.
  • Solution-oriented – it doesn’t matter what topic you are dealing with, there is always more than one solution. Insly tries to find all available options to solve the issue.
  • Customer-centric – I have many years of experience in the insurance industry, but Insly’s support to customers is on another level.

Can you point out some of the most interesting projects you have been involved in?

The most important project I’ve been working on at Insly is building the claims management tool. The biggest challenge was to find a solution that would suit various users – Insurers, MGAs, TPAs, as well as Brokers. Our goal was to design a product that is functional, easy to use, quick to roll out, user friendly, and universal enough.

It all began from market research to map the needs for the claims product, followed by figuring out necessary functionalities for a variety of user groups. It was tricky to find the balance between including the necessary number of functionalities, because we wanted to avoid the product being either too big or microscopic and position it right in the middle.

This project will definitely keep challenging us as we have just got started. We are launching an MSP in May 2022 and will move further with adding new and customised claims functionalities.


Don’t forget to read previous interviews with Risto Rossar, Pamela Raestu, Hammad Mirza, Kaspar Ilves, Märtin Kosk, and  Ott Kell. Stay tuned for more stories introducing team Insly!