Solutions to match your business needs

Build your ideal MGA or insurance platform from our customisable modules… 

Product builder

Build any non-life insurance product in weeks, rather than months, without writing code or involving developers.

  1. Flexible low-code product editor
    With our flexible editor, you can define the structure and data capture of the product, create workflows, and make changes on the fly.

  2. Powerful rating engine
    Combining calculations with underwriting rules, our rating engine is performance-tested to handle a high number of transactions per minute.

  3. Dynamic documents
    Create and manage professional-looking document templates with dynamic content to match different policy needs.

Product distribution

Create a seamless broker, direct to customer, or embedded insurance workflow, optimising the sales cycle and maximising conversions.

  1. Instant Broker Portal

    Give your brokers access with the click of a button, letting them view and sell your products directly from their policy administration system.

  2. Create a seamless B2C experience
    Insly provides the middle and back-office functions to support front-end success. Open APIs ensure the perfect consumer experience.

  3. Maximise embedded insurance and partnerships 

    Build distribution partnerships and white-labelled products with the confidence that backend reporting and compliance requirements are taken care of.  

Accounting and reporting

Automate your entire accounting function to reduce manual processes and aid compliance. Generate reports on any data point in the system.

  1. Real-time visibility of business performance 
    Reporting and analysis of any data point, in real-time, to track and optimise business performance, and build stronger capacity relationships.


  2. Designed for MGAs and insurers
    MGA and insurance focus means no compromises on functionality, including reconciling premiums, paying commissions, taxes and fees, and handling compliance.

  3. Reduce human error 
    Automated processes and data capture minimises the chance of human error and ensures a comprehensive and accurate audit trail. 

Claims management 

Our end-to-end claims management product suits any line of business and can be used standalone or integrated with other Insly modules

  1. Reduced claims costs

    Reduce the direct and indirect costs of handling claims, by streamlining processes, reducing third-party costs, and identifying fraud more effectively. 

  2. Improved claims experience
    Improve the customer experience and increase renewal rates, through features such as eFNOL, automatic notifications and claim letters, and fast-track handling.

  3. More efficient handling and visibility 

    Establish a coherent, clear, automated claims process, and gain a comprehensive overview of claims status, through customised reporting. 

What our customers are saying

Ready to build a more profitable MGA or insurance business?