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Online ACORD Forms in Insly

acordforblog2ACORD Forms are standardized forms used by insurance agents and insurance companies in the USA. They are used to provide valuable method of exchanging information and all the agencies are recording it in a way that is universal to everyone.
We are glad to announce that Insly has brought all the ACORD Forms into its system and they can be searched easily. As of now, 8 of them can be entered without leaving Insly and mailing, printing them is done with one click. The rest of the forms can be downloaded in PDF format. Forms that are finished in PDF can later be uploaded to the particular customer or policy.

Where are ACORD Forms situated in Insly?

The button can be found on the main toolbar that takes you to the list of 652 ACORD Forms:
On the ACORD's page you can search for the forms by number, name, state or type, which means that the required form will be in front of you in seconds.

Why is Insly good for the US market?

With our cloud based system you can forget printing out ACORD Forms and filling them in manually. You can keep everything in one place and you do not have to change between systems. You can manage your customers' information, policy management etc. exactly where you manage your ACORD Forms. You will no longer need to keep papers in a file - Insly will keep your ACORD Forms organized and they are accessible anytime.
Come and take a look at our demo database and try to enter your first ACORD Form online - your efficiency will be even better!

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